Ebook Download Sacred Union: The Journey Home (Path of Self-Ascension), by Sri Ram Kaa, Kira Raa
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Sacred Union: The Journey Home (Path of Self-Ascension), by Sri Ram Kaa, Kira Raa
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Experience the Power and Joy of Authentic Living and Self-Ascension
In SACRED UNION: The Journey Home, Sri Ram Kaa and Kira Raa provide an intimate look into the lives of two people who learned how to let go of fear, doubt, and judgment in order to enjoy a permanent state of joy. Honest, revealing, and sometimes shocking, the authors share their experiences with angelic beings, including the loving guidance of Archangel Zadkiel, who taught them that Self-Ascension is a state of consciousness–a simple choice–available to all. In this remarkable book, readers will learn:
•To love themselves unconditionally •Joy is a choice, the building block of Self-Ascension •How to transform daily life, with or without a partner, into an experience of Divine Sacred Union •The simplicity of making every day an adventure in gratitude •The power of Authentic living and Self-Ascension •How to effectively use Transparent Communication to improve relationships with anyone •Why sex, healing and Divine Union are Sacred gifts. •We are not crazy. We are evolving, and WE are not ALONE in the process!
- Sales Rank: #4248108 in Books
- Published on: 2003-08
- Original language: English
- Number of items: 1
- Dimensions: .49" h x 6.38" w x 8.94" l,
- Binding: Paperback
- 164 pages
"...filled with powerful insights and Divine Wisdom. A life-changing book. I loved it!" -- Tom LaRotonda, Core Matters, LLC
"...marvelous. Filled with love and services. I felt waves of joy and recognition reading it. Another true revelation." -- Paul Bodor, Project Management Consultant
"Interesting, easy to read, and filled with new concepts...an invitation to grounded authenticity." -- Melanie Mulhall, Author of
About the Author
Sri Ram Kaa is a gifted Psychotherapist, Reiki Master, and Vibrational Healer, and Kira Raa is a spiritual/inspirational speaker, clairvoyant intuitive, and popular TV guest. Living in Sacred Union, these extraordinary healers, ordained ministers, and authors offer spiritual coaching, group workshops, and retreats for Sacred Union and Self-Ascension. They make their home in the southwest with their Great Dane, Apollo.
Most helpful customer reviews
1 of 2 people found the following review helpful.
The Authenticity Within.
By Lisa Riley
Sri Ram Kaa and Kira Raa willingly open their lives and personal history for all readers to learn. I respect them for relating their experiences so that others can understand upon what their approach to spiritual teachings is founded.
Called by angelic guidance into spiritual service and union, their story is compelling.
The four sections, Surrender/Trust, Release Judgment, Unconditional Love, and Be in Union are universal bell tolls for all readers endeavoring to clarify spirit and radiate the true, divine Authentic Self. Each section includes the personal growth of these teachers in approaching their service and understanding and at the same time offers guidance to the reader audience in revealing and expressing the Authentic Self. It is one thing to recognize and another to integrate that recognition of our personal truths into action. Sri and Kira quickly put their recognition of Authentic Self into lives dedicated to action of teaching, support and spiritual healing.
Within their guidance by Kiel, an Archangel, I was delighted to hear his clarification that there is no "Higher Self" for Self. Authentic Self is all that there really is, separate from all else that is ego and illusion and Self dwells in the field of "higher" always. Our Self is and has always been divine and perfect just as all we encounter is perfect. Every "good" or "bad" has a place in this reality and is here for teaching and balance. That's not always easy to accept. Teachers such as these help us embrace what we do not like about this existence as well as understanding how that perception can be a great teaching to us.
Guided teachers such Sri Ram Kaa and Kira Raa are coming forward and thankfully mapping their journeys so those that are just embarking upon their spiritual paths have some illumination to guide them onward within the choices they will have to encounter.
A very honest, from the heart book that many can align with while reading.
15 of 16 people found the following review helpful.
Honest and Illuminating
By M. Gentille
After reading the authors' 2nd book " 2012, Archangelic Answers", I ordered this one and pretty much ate it up. It's about their own spiritual awakenings, finding their highest work, communing with their guides and finding each other, all of which are interconnected.
Written in two voices, the honesty about their feelings in the early days of their relationship is poignant and striking, and for the story factor alone, it's engrossing. Woven into their story is continuous commentary from a third voice, the Archangel Zadkiel, who guides and chats with them like an old friend.
For anyone on a conscious path of their own, this is a super-inspiring read whether you are ready to meet your own "beloved" or deepen communion with an existing one...or for anyone interested in the fascinating, arduous path these two spiritually-developed people have taken.
I finished reading it two days ago and it's lingering with me...very affecting!
12 of 13 people found the following review helpful.
Sacred Union - Sri Ram Kaa & Kira Raa's Story Inspires
By Ppbp
This book is for those of you out there who are yearning to go a little more out there in your explorations, truly challenge your thinking, and are ready for a major shift into the true joy of your life.
Written by wisdom teacher Sri Ram Kaa and angelic oracle Kira Raa, Sacred Union is a journey and dialogue of total transformation. Rather than presenting themselves as the ones, with the one right way, we travel along with them on their path of self-discovery, transformation, and stepping into their shoes of healing and teaching. We meet Kira Raa when she is "Shakira" at a cross roads in her life, facing her second bankruptcy and going through a lot of things that many of us will relate to. Her commitment to her own unfolding is inspiring, and we are there with her in spirit as she questions the new direction her life is taking as a channeler of an archangelic being, like any of us would, and is able to come to a place of acceptance and surrender with the help and support of her partner in sacred union Sri Ram Kaa.
Reiki master, minister, and psychotherapist Sri Ram Kaa (formerly Jerrold) meets his future flame over the internet, and the two immediately hit it off. They do spiritual work together, and go through some of the normal things all couples go through, especially after failed marriages, multiple career paths, and in our society. He too must come to a place of acceptance and surrender to the bliss their life will soon embrace.
When Kira Raa begins channeling Zadkiel, Sri Ram Kaa asks the questions we all want to ask: give me a sign that this is real, is she psychotic, what will this all mean? The core of Zadkiel's message is that peace, love and joy are available right now, in this instant, and that what we perceive as lengthy, painful, and time consuming processing for working through our problems is unnecessary, and in fact, entrenches us more deeply into a belief of their reality. Freedom, true freedom, is a choice, and we make it every second.
As the book progresses we see the visits of Zadkiel not only transforming these two lives, but offering us information and a new way of being for our own lives. Their example, a and their success in becoming who they envisioned being, is not only inspiring, but personally empowering. They don't claim to have the answer, but one way of awakening deeper, and in practical terms, how to actually bring more joy and balance into our lives, from suggestions on what to eat, how to be, and most importantly, how to see the world, the universe, and ourselves as we really are.
Beyond being another new age tome for healing your life, this book engages us, challenges us, and frees us from our own preconceptions and blocks to reality. We are rocketed into what they call the 5th dimension, while being real people.
See all 7 customer reviews...
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[J831.Ebook] Ebook Download Sacred Union: The Journey Home (Path of Self-Ascension), by Sri Ram Kaa, Kira Raa Doc
[J831.Ebook] Ebook Download Sacred Union: The Journey Home (Path of Self-Ascension), by Sri Ram Kaa, Kira Raa Doc
[J831.Ebook] Ebook Download Sacred Union: The Journey Home (Path of Self-Ascension), by Sri Ram Kaa, Kira Raa Doc